I Swallowed a Moon Made of Iron
A song cycle set to the poetry of contemporary Chinese worker-poet Xu Lizhi.

Requiem of our digital age
Set to the poetry of Xu Lizhi 許立志 by Toronto-based composer Njo Kong Kie 楊光奇, these songs deliver a lamentation for our digital age. Xu toiled in a factory in Shenzhen, China, where he, along with hundreds of thousands of others who were unseen and ignored, manufactured the digital devices we use every day. Xu’s spare and profound poetry is an indictment of labour exploitation, and it also offers a glimpse into his interior life: his hopes, his dreams, and his struggle under the unbearable weight of existence.

Production Editions

From a full production on stage, a digital performance made specially for the medium, to an intimate house concert edition, we have been fortunate to be able to share with audiences through our performances combining music, poetry and video to explore the powerful poetry of Xu Lizhi.

Production History
Premier - Canadian Stage Toronto, 2019
Digital Streaming - National Arts Centre, 2022
PuSh Festival, Digital streaming, 2021
PuSh Festival, In-Person production, 2022
South East Asia Tours, 2023
Oz Asia, Adelaide, 2023
Pressed on recycled materials, each album comes with a set of 13 postcards.
Soundtrack Available Soon

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